Review Week Comments and Feedback

The first comments I received were on my introduction and I was looking forward to reading them. Firstly I was surprised at how many comments I received. They were more positive than I expected and I learned that I have lots in common with my classmates. These comments are very affirming and make me feel a closer bond with my classmates.

The feedback on my game vision statement was varied, but positive and some of the suggestions made were very helpful. The comments about possible improvements to make my game more challenging are particularly useful. For example the suggestion that lives could be lost and a player have to start again if they hit a specific number of obstacles. Some classmates have offered to beta test the game which is very helpful and I will be availing of this offer compared to the feedback I'm receiving.

 I feel my own feedback could be more engaging and fun. I want to sound more enthusiastic and involved in my feedback. It helps to read peoples work a few times and to make detailed comments about specific changes they could make examples of ways in which I think they could improve things. Generic praise does not work, connecting with people is crucial and sharing your own experiences. This helps make the feedback more personal I feel. From other peoples game ideas I am getting ideas for my own game.

I think the quality of my feedback is improving as I have been regularly now using the WWW method and the TAG method to give my feelings on the games ideas and provide feedback in a constructive and easy to grasp manner.

Having read through my introductory post (which was one of my first posts) I can say that for the most part it still holds up fine months later. I reckon most of what I'm about is addressed well and isn't really missing any key details. I guess if I were to alter anything about my original post, I would probably better explain what anime and manga is to the reader. A comment came up asking what it was and it suddenly occurred to me that not everyone would know what I'm on about, so clarifying the not so obvious would be a change I make.

That being said, others understood what I was on about so its not an entirely alien concept to everyone. I do feel my blog helps people to get to know how I feel and think about things. I also feel that I am making connections through their blogs with my classmates.

I think I'd like to experiment with the colour, design and layout of my blog to make it more unique and appealing. To do this I will try a few more tech tips. Whilst I don't view the current design as anything particularly poor it does potentially need a refinement soon to help keep the blog looking fresh. I might change the blue I am currently using to either something darker, lighter or potentially a whole new other colour.

 Current look of the blog. Beautiful girl ain't she?


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