Feedback Strategies

The two articles I read this week argued that giving the right kind of feedback can shift a persons mindset from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. In Be A Mirror, the author says to give feedback by reflecting back on what is there without judging. To foster a growth mindset, the author says be specific, focus on what they are doing not what they are missing, keep the focus on the person not on yourself. Effective feedback focuses on process not the result so that people realize their effort is valued and that by trying, they can improve.

In the second article The Trouble With Amazing, the author says to give praise that matters. If you're trying to motivate anyone, calling them amazing doesn't work. She gives an example from American Idol, that the judge Paula Abdul always praised every performance calling them amazing, so her feedback was ignored by contestants, again this writer says that the best feedback is specific and praises the process.

I find these ideas presented here really good. For me, giving feedback is tricky as sometimes I overpraise others so as not to cause offense or hurt feelings. In future I will try being more specific in my critiques, in that way my feedback will become more useful and allow people to improve.


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